Rejection is never easy to receive, whatever the circumstance. Here is a list of our top 4 ways to deal with rejection, not letting it get you down, so you can continue to move forward in your job search and not lose momentum.
Dealing with rejection in the context of a job search or in other facets of life can be difficult. Here are some excellent coping and navigating tactics for rejection:
Seek Feedback
Is there an area that you think may need slight improvement? Have you had someone read through your resume and cover letter? Sometimes it is the smallest detail that you can change which will open up a world of possibilities. Seek feedback throughout the process, maybe there are areas you could improve on. It is a great idea to seek feedback on your resume and interview experience, at the very least you should feel as though you have learned something from the process. Find some spare time to practice your interview skills and even expand your job search. Reach out to past interviewers and request feedback from the experience. Just because you didn’t get the job the first time doesn’t mean the company will not have other job openings in the future, this small effort may be the essential element to them giving you a call back next time.
Don't take it personally
Try not to take it personally! Employers need to make a decision based on the candidate they believe is best suited to the role and with so many applicants you are not the only one that didn’t get the job. It is also important to keep in mind that if you made it to the interview process or received a callback, you made an impact on the employer and that is extremely well done.
Keep Positive
Rejection is just a normal part of job seeking and you might be surprised to know everyone has experienced it! The best way to move forward to is keep positive and always continue to try again. If you provided the right information, fit the right criteria, communicated in an engaging manner and asked all of the right questions you can take comfort in knowing it may not have been the right company for you. To maintain a positive focus on the things that you enjoy, give yourself some downtime and clear your head from any negative thoughts or self-criticism. We recommend checking out our key tips for confidence building, after all, look at the bright side, this may be the perfect opportunity to take a break and refocus.
Maintain momentum
Do not put your job search on hold whilst waiting to hear back from an interview. Continue searching... As the job for you may be right around the corner. Keep in touch with companies you have applied for, seek out new opportunities, hand out more resumes, build your contact list!
Remember that rejection is a common feeling that everyone goes through at some point in their lives. It's an opportunity for personal development, learning, and determining the best path for you. You may manage rejection with fortitude and emerge stronger on the other side by having a healthy mentality and practicing self-care.
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